genesis retreaT

Genesis Retreat is an annual young adult overnight retreat. Attending this retreat, you will be able to partake in private and group prayer, men’s and women's sessions, the Sacraments (Mass, Confession, Adoration), an abundance of fun and fellowship, and be fed by a variety of speakers. Catholics and non-Catholics welcome!
St. Therese’s Camp invites you to the second-annual young adult overnight retreat, May 19-21, 2023. This year’s focus is an Ignatian-style preached retreat, led by Father James Claver of the Servants of Christ Jesus (
St. Therese’s Camp invites you to the second-annual young adult overnight retreat, May 19-21, 2023. This year’s focus is an Ignatian-style preached retreat, led by Father James Claver of the Servants of Christ Jesus (
Glory Bound is an annual 3 day retreat for 6th graders through high school seniors that takes place during the last week of December. It started in 2015, as a 6-8th grade retreat, and has since grown to include high schoolers. At Glory Bound, you can expect fun activities such as snowball fights, Christmas cookie decorating, sledding, as well as activities that are good for the soul - Mass, Adoration, Confession, and more!
More info to come for Glory Bound 2023!
More info to come for Glory Bound 2023!
Come and See is an annual retreat, originating as a retreat for boys & men who are discerning the priesthood. Separated into 2 session, one for younger boys and one for men, the retreat takes place in the fall. In August 2023, the first Come and See retreat for women discerning religious life will take place.
At Come and See, attendees can expect time for prayer, reflection, and to hear talks from priests and religious about their personal discernment story.
More info to come for all 2023 Come and See retreats!
At Come and See, attendees can expect time for prayer, reflection, and to hear talks from priests and religious about their personal discernment story.
More info to come for all 2023 Come and See retreats!
PREPARED is a marriage seminar hosted by St. Therese's Camp in partnership with Refocus Counseling Ministries. The first PREPARED retreat took place in January 2023, and was a 2 day retreat that gave couples the option to stay the night on camp or commute. The retreat was preceded by an optional Mentor Couple session